Gamah Trading
The Company
GAMAH Trading is established in 2002 with registered office in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain with diversified interest in Engineering, long term maintenance domains, Corosion Control technology & Protective Coatings.
Although a young and dynamic company, GT has completed and took part in
some major projects in the Kingdom.
GT focuses on Engineering, Services & Contracting provided to:
- Oil & Gas industry
- Infrastructure
- Utilities
- Transportation
- Production & Manufacturing
- Safety Solutions
- Government
GT gathers the knowledge, Skils & experience gained by Oil & Gas Professionals in international mega projects. Whatever is the project, GT wil be your reliable partner.
GT is the right company to outsource construction load or project management.
GT's involvement with local industry, ensuring that it delivers the solution as that they need. By building close relationship with the industry, GT ensures its solutions keep evolving to maintain pace with customer's needs & demands.
GT is a dynamic, innovative service provider with a commitment to supporting our business partners in every aspect of their operations – both today and in the future. Our experience in widely varying environments, coupled with our
ability to anticipate market developments, form the solid basis on which we build productive and reWarding partnerships with our clients. You can be sure that our services are fast, efficient, secure and reliable.
To ensure Customer satisfaction, GT encourages "Management by al employees", continuously enhancing our capability on the work floor and our power to achieve.
BusIness Structure
The company's busIness areas are structured to::
- OIl & Gas
- PetrochemIcals
- Infrastructure
- UtIlItIes
- TransportatIon
- ProductIon & ManufacturIng\
- Government
Key "SupplIes" CapabIlIties
- 01. OPW CIvacon
- Loading Arms
- Drybreak Couplers
- 02. Parker Polyfflex
- ThermoplastIc
- Ultra HIgh Pressure JettIng
- FlexIlance Hoses
- 03. CommercIal Gasso
- ComposIt Hoses
- SS Hoses & Bellows
- 04. Trelleborg / RapIsarda / CIdat
Rubber Hoses - HydraulIc
Rubber Hoses - IndustrIal - 05. Torcup Inc
- BoltIng Tools - HydraulIc
- BoltIng Tools - Manual
- 06. Power Master
- Tube Tools - HydraulIc
- Tube Tools – Manual
- 07. Toyo , Japan
- ChaIn Blocks
- Lever HoIst
- WIre Rope & WInch
- Overhead Cranes
- 08. AmerIcan Block
- TravellIng Block
- Hammer UnIon
- RIng Gaskets
- DrIlIng equIpments
- 09. Sondex
- Plate Heat exchangers
- Fresh Water Generators
- 10. WGI Heavy MInerals
- Bengal Bay Garnet AbrasIves & FIltratIon Media
- 11. Chemetal
- NDT Sprays
- PIcklIng & CleanIng ChemIcals
Key ContractIng CapabIlItIes
- 1. Corosion Control
- Rust Bullet
- GrIp Flex
- AntI - FoulIng
- 2. ProtectIve CoatIng
- Thermal CoatIng
- Epoxy CoatIng
- 3. InsulatIon
- Rockwool
- MIneral Wool
- FIbre Glass
- Cellular Glass
- Polyurethane
- 4. CladdIng Systems
- InsulatIon Jackets
- ComposIte InsulatIon System
- Non MetallIc InsulatIon CladdIng
- Pre Molded Components
- Self BondIng CladdIng
- AccessorIes
- 5. Long Term MaIntenance
- MaIntenance - HydraulIc Hoses
- Supply - HydraulIc Hoses
- Owner's / End User's
- Bahrain Petroleum Company B S C BAPCO
- BahraIn NatIonal Gas Company B S C BANAGAS
- Tatweer Petroleum TATWEER
- BahraIn Deffense Force B D F
- Royal BahraIn Naval Force Royal Navy
- MInIstry off InterIors M O I
- ElectrIcIty & Water AuthorIty EWA
- Royal Court BahraIn
- BahraIn Royal FlIght
- BahraIn Coast Guard
- MIdal Cables Ltd.
- EPC Contractors / Consultants
- Gulff PetrochemIcals IndustrIes Company G P I C
- Gulf IndustrIal Investment Co. G I I C
- Arab ShIp BuIldIng & RepaIr Yard Co. A S R Y
- BahraIn ShIp RepaIrIng & EngIneerIng Co. BASREC
- Nass IndustrIal services NASS
- MechanIcal ContractIng & ServIces Company Wl MCSC
- BahraIn Yatch Club
- Inchcape
- Agas Lubes, W.L.L
- Agas InternatIonal
- Muhraq EngIneerIng
- Balexco
- AI Wardi Transport Co.
- Ocean DIvIng
- M H AI Mahroos BSC
- Sardar Transport
- Marina Club
- Intercole
- Buchen
- AI Tawffeek
- SIemens
- B D C Blue
- Hasan AlI Abu ZIaad
- Deeko BahraIn
- Alloys Jalal